Source code for

#  Pyctools - a picture processing algorithm development kit.
#  Copyright (C) 2014-18  Pyctools contributors
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see
#  <>.

__all__ = ['ZonePlateGenerator']
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import math
import sys

import numpy

from pyctools.core.base import Component
from pyctools.core.config import ConfigFloat, ConfigInt, ConfigEnum
from .zoneplategeneratorcore import zone_frame

[docs] class ZonePlateGenerator(Component): """Zone plate test pattern generator. A zone plate (in this context) is a 3 dimensional (horizontal, vertical & temporal) frequency sweep which can be a useful test pattern in image processing applications. `BBC R&D Report 1978/23 <>`_ describes some typical uses. A static circular zone plate (see `recipes`_ below) resembles the `Fresnel zone plates <>`_ used in optics. At first sight there are an alarming number of configuration values, but you normally only need to set three or four of them. I suggest using the :py:mod:`pyctools-editor <>` tool to connect a zone plate generator and Qt display, open the generator's configuration dialog, set ``looping`` to ``repeat`` and run the network so you can experiment with the settings as you read this documentation. Each parameter is normalised so a value of ``1.0`` covers the entire frequency "gamut". For example, setting ``kx2`` to ``1.0`` will sweep the entire horizontal frequency range over the width of the picture. ======= ======== name controls ======= ======== ``k0`` phase at zero frequency ``kx`` horizontal frequency at x=0 (left hand side of picture) ``ky`` vertical frequency at y=0 (top of picture) ``kt`` temporal frequency at t=0 (start of sequence) ``kx2`` horizontal frequency with x ``kxy`` horizontal frequency with y ``kxt`` horizontal frequency with t ``kyx`` vertical frequency with x ``ky2`` vertical frequency with y ``kyt`` vertical frequency with t ``ktx`` temporal frequency with x ``kty`` temporal frequency with y ``kt2`` temporal frequency with t ======= ======== Note that these controls are not all independent. For example, ``kxy`` and ``kyx`` produce the same effect on a square image (and a subtly different effect on non-square images). .. _recipes: Recipes * static circular (or eliptical for non-square images):: kx=0.5, kx2 = 1.0, ky=0.5, ky2=1.0 * static hyperbolic (entire horizontal gamut):: kx=0.5, kxy = 1.0, ky=0.5 * static hyperbolic (entire vertical gamut):: kx=0.5, ky=0.5, kyx = 1.0 * circular at temporal frequency of 1/4 the frame rate:: kx=0.5, kx2 = 1.0, ky=0.5, ky2=1.0, kt=0.25 * all temporal frequencies across width, all vertical frequencies across height:: ky=0.5, ky2=1.0, ktx=1.0 """ inputs = [] def initialise(self): self.config['k0'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-1.0, max_value=1.0, decimals=4, wrapping=True) self.config['kx'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-1.0, max_value=1.0, decimals=4, wrapping=True) self.config['ky'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-1.0, max_value=1.0, decimals=4, wrapping=True) self.config['kt'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-1.0, max_value=1.0, decimals=4, wrapping=True) self.config['kx2'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, decimals=4) self.config['kxy'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, decimals=4) self.config['kxt'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, decimals=4) self.config['kyx'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, decimals=4) self.config['ky2'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, decimals=4, wrapping=True) self.config['kyt'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, decimals=4) self.config['ktx'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, decimals=4) self.config['kty'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, decimals=4) self.config['kt2'] = ConfigFloat( value=0.0, min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, decimals=4) self.config['xlen'] = ConfigInt(value=720, min_value=1) self.config['ylen'] = ConfigInt(value=576, min_value=1) self.config['zlen'] = ConfigInt(value=100, min_value=1) self.config['looping'] = ConfigEnum(choices=('off', 'repeat')) # store sine wave in a lookup table self.phases = 1024 self.waveform = numpy.ndarray([self.phases], dtype=numpy.float32) for i in range(self.phases): phase = float(i) / float(self.phases) self.waveform[i] = 16.0 + ( 219.0 * (1.0 + math.cos(phase * math.pi * 2.0)) / 2.0) self.frame_no = 0 def process_frame(self): self.update_config() xlen = self.config['xlen'] ylen = self.config['ylen'] zlen = self.config['zlen'] if self.frame_no >= zlen and self.config['looping'] == 'off': self.stop() return k0 = self.config['k0'] kx = self.config['kx'] ky = self.config['ky'] kt = self.config['kt'] kx2 = self.config['kx2'] kxy = self.config['kxy'] kxt = self.config['kxt'] kyx = self.config['kyx'] ky2 = self.config['ky2'] kyt = self.config['kyt'] ktx = self.config['ktx'] kty = self.config['kty'] kt2 = self.config['kt2'] frame = self.outframe_pool['output'].get() audit = frame.metadata.get('audit') audit += 'data = ZonePlateGenerator()\n' audit += ' ' if k0 != 0.0: audit += 'k0: %g, ' % k0 if kx != 0.0: audit += 'kx: %g, ' % kx if ky != 0.0: audit += 'ky: %g, ' % ky if kt != 0.0: audit += 'kt: %g, ' % kt if kx2 != 0.0: audit += 'kx2: %g, ' % kx2 if kxy != 0.0: audit += 'kxy: %g, ' % kxy if kxt != 0.0: audit += 'kxt: %g, ' % kxt if kyx != 0.0: audit += 'kyx: %g, ' % kyx if ky2 != 0.0: audit += 'ky2: %g, ' % ky2 if kyt != 0.0: audit += 'kyt: %g, ' % kyt if ktx != 0.0: audit += 'ktx: %g, ' % ktx if kty != 0.0: audit += 'kty: %g, ' % kty if kt2 != 0.0: audit += 'kt2: %g, ' % kt2 audit += 'xlen: %d, ylen: %d, zlen: %d\n' % (xlen, ylen, zlen) frame.metadata.set('audit', audit) k0 = k0 * self.phases kx = kx * self.phases ky = (1.0 - ky) * self.phases kt = kt * self.phases kx2 = kx2 * self.phases / float(xlen) kxy = -kxy * self.phases / float(ylen) kxt = kxt * self.phases / float(zlen) kyx = -kyx * self.phases / float(xlen) ky2 = ky2 * self.phases / float(ylen) kyt = -kyt * self.phases / float(zlen) ktx = ktx * self.phases / float(xlen) kty = -kty * self.phases / float(ylen) kt2 = kt2 * self.phases / float(zlen) # generate this frame data = numpy.ndarray([ylen, xlen, 1], dtype=numpy.float32) zone_frame(data, self.waveform, self.frame_no % zlen, k0, kx, ky, kt, kx2, kxy, kxt, kyx, ky2, kyt, ktx, kty, kt2) # set output frame = data frame.type = 'Y' frame.frame_no = self.frame_no self.frame_no += 1 self.send('output', frame)