Source code for pyctools.core.config

#  Pyctools - a picture processing algorithm development kit.
#  Copyright (C) 2014-23  Pyctools contributors
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""Component configuration classes.

The :py:class:`ConfigMixin` mixin class is used with every component to
provide a hierarchical tree of named configuration values. Each
configuration value node has a fixed type and can be configured to have
constraints such as maximum and minimum values.

Configuration values are accessed in a dictionary-like manner. During
a component's initialisation you should create the required
configuration nodes like this::

    self.config['zlen'] = ConfigInt(value=100, min_value=1)
    self.config['looping'] = ConfigEnum(choices=('off', 'repeat'))

Subsequently the config object behaves more like a dictionary::

    self.config['zlen'] = 250
    zlen = self.config['zlen']

Users of a component can initialise its configuration by passing a
``config`` :py:class:`dict` or key-value pairs to the component's

    resize = Resize(config={'xup': xup}, xdown=xdown)

The configuration can be changed, even when the component is running,
with the :py:meth:`~ConfigMixin.get_config` and
:py:meth:`~ConfigMixin.set_config` methods::

    cfg = resize.get_config()
    cfg['xup'] = 3
    cfg['xdown'] = 4

Or, more simply::

    resize.set_config(xup=3, xdown=4)

Note that these methods are thread-safe and make a copy of the
configuration tree. This ensures that all your configuration changes
are applied together, some time after calling

.. autosummary::



__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import collections
import logging
import os.path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ConfigLeafNode(object): """Mixin class for configuration nodes. This can be used with immutable Python types such as :py:class:`int` or :py:class:`str` to define a class that stores data of the Python type but has some extra attributes and methods. """ def __new__(cls, value=None, default=None, **kwds): self = super(ConfigLeafNode, cls).__new__(cls, value) if default is None: default = value self.default = default for key, value in kwds.items(): setattr(self, key, value) return self
[docs] def parser_add(self, parser, key): """Add information to a :py:mod:`argparse` CLI parser. """ parser.add_argument( '--' + key, default=self, help=' ', **self._parser_kw())
[docs] def update(self, value): """Adjust the config item's value. """ return self.__class__(value, **self.__dict__)
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy the config item's value. """ return self.update(self)
[docs] class ConfigInt(ConfigLeafNode, int): """Integer configuration node. :keyword int value: Initial value of the node. :keyword int default: Default value of the node. :keyword int min_value: Minimum permissible value. :keyword int max_value: Maximum permissible value. :keyword bool wrapping: Should the value change to min_value when incremented beyond max_value or *vice versa*. """ def __new__(cls, value=0, default=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, wrapping=False): if min_value is not None and value < min_value: value = min_value if max_value is not None and value > max_value: value = max_value return super(ConfigInt, cls).__new__( cls, value, default, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, wrapping=wrapping) @staticmethod def _parser_kw(): return {'type' : int, 'metavar' : 'n'}
[docs] class ConfigBool(ConfigInt): """Boolean configuration node. :keyword object value: Initial value of the node. :keyword bool default: Default value of the node. """ def __new__(cls, value=False, default=None, **kwds): if value == 'on': value = True elif value == 'off': value = False else: value = bool(value) return super(ConfigBool, cls).__new__(cls, value, default) def __repr__(self): return str(bool(self)) def __str__(self): return str(bool(self)) @staticmethod def _parser_kw(): return {'type' : bool, 'metavar' : 'b'}
[docs] class ConfigFloat(ConfigLeafNode, float): """Float configuration node. :keyword float value: Initial value of the node. :keyword float default: Default value of the node. :keyword float min_value: Minimum permissible value. :keyword float max_value: Maximum permissible value. :keyword int decimals: How many decimal places to use when displaying the value. :keyword bool wrapping: Should the value change to min_value when incremented beyond max_value or *vice versa*. """ def __new__(cls, value=0.0, default=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, decimals=8, wrapping=False): if min_value is not None and value < min_value: value = min_value if max_value is not None and value > max_value: value = max_value return super(ConfigFloat, cls).__new__( cls, value, default, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, decimals=decimals, wrapping=wrapping) @staticmethod def _parser_kw(): return {'type' : float, 'metavar' : 'x'}
[docs] class ConfigStr(ConfigLeafNode, str): """String configuration node. :keyword str value: Initial value of the node. :keyword str default: Default value of the node. """ def __new__(cls, value='', default=None, **kwds): return super(ConfigStr, cls).__new__(cls, value, default, **kwds) @staticmethod def _parser_kw(): return {'metavar' : 'str'}
[docs] class ConfigPath(ConfigStr): """File pathname configuration node. :keyword str value: Initial value of the node. :keyword str default: Default value of the node. :keyword bool exists: If ``True``, value must be an existing file. """ def __new__(cls, value='', default=None, exists=True): if value: value = os.path.abspath(value) if exists: if not os.path.isfile(value): logger.warning('file "%s" does not exist', value) else: directory = os.path.dirname(value) if not os.path.isdir(directory): logger.warning('directory "%s" does not exist', directory) return super(ConfigPath, cls).__new__(cls, value, default, exists=exists) @staticmethod def _parser_kw(): return {'metavar' : 'path'}
[docs] class ConfigEnum(ConfigStr): """'Enum' configuration node. The value can be one of a list of choices. :keyword str value: Initial value of the node. :keyword str default: Default value of the node. :keyword list choices: a list of strings that are the possible values of the config item. If value is unset the first in the list is used. :keyword bool extendable: can the choices list be extended by setting new values. """ def __new__(cls, value=None, default=None, choices=[], extendable=False): choices = list(choices) if choices and not value: value = choices[0] elif value and value not in choices: if extendable: choices.append(value) else: raise ValueError(str(value)) return super(ConfigEnum, cls).__new__( cls, value, default, choices=choices, extendable=extendable) def _parser_kw(self): result = {'metavar' : 'str'} if not self.extendable: result['choices'] = self.choices return result
[docs] class ConfigParent(object): """Parent configuration node. Stores a set of child nodes in a :py:class:`dict`. In a :py:class:`~.compound.Compound` component the children are themselves :py:class:`ConfigParent` nodes, allowing components to be nested to any depth whilst making their configuration accessible from the top level. The ``config_map`` is used in :py:class:`~.compound.Compound` components to allow multiple child components to be controlled by one config value. """ _attributes = ('_config_map', '_value', 'default') def __init__(self, config_map={}): super(ConfigParent, self).__init__() self._config_map = config_map self._value = {} self.default = {} def __repr__(self): return repr(self._value) def __getattr__(self, name): if name not in self._attributes: return self[name] return super(ConfigParent, self).__getattr__(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name not in self._attributes: self[name] = value return super(ConfigParent, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __len__(self): if self._config_map: return len(self._config_map) return len(self._value) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self._config_map: return self[self._config_map[key][0]] child, sep, grandchild = key.partition('.') if grandchild: return self[child][grandchild] return self._value[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self._config_map: for item in self._config_map[key]: self[item] = value return if key in self._value: self._value[key] = self._value[key].update(value) return child, sep, grandchild = key.partition('.') if grandchild: try: self[child][grandchild] = value return except KeyError: pass if isinstance(value, (ConfigLeafNode, ConfigParent)): self._value[key] = value return logger.error('unknown config item: %s, %s', key, value) def __iter__(self): if self._config_map: yield from self._config_map else: yield from self._value def items(self): for key in self: yield key, self[key] def values(self): for key in self: yield self[key] def keys(self): for key in self: yield key def to_dict(self, ignore_default=True): result = {} for key, value in self._value.items(): if isinstance(value, ConfigParent): child_value = value.to_dict(ignore_default=ignore_default) if child_value: result[key] = child_value elif key in self.default: if value != self.default[key] or not ignore_default: result[key] = value else: if value != value.default or not ignore_default: result[key] = value return result
[docs] def audit_string(self): """Generate a string suitable for use in an audit trail. Converts a component's configuration settings to a :py:class:`~.frame.Metadata` audit trail string. This is a convenient way to add to the audit trail in a "standard" format. Only the non-default settings are shown, to keep the audit trail short but useful. """ result = '' details = [] for key, value in self._value.items(): if value == value.default: continue details.append('{}: {!r}'.format(key, value)) line = ', '.join(details) if len(line) < 76: continue if len(details) > 1: line = ', '.join(details[:-1]) details = details[-1:] else: details = [] result += ' ' + line + '\n' if details: line = ', '.join(details) result += ' ' + line + '\n' return result
[docs] def parser_add(self, parser, prefix=''): """Add config to an :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` object. The parser’s :py:meth:`~argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument` method is called for each config item. The argument name is constructed from the parent and item names, with a dot separator. :param argparse.ArgumentParser parser: The argument parser object. :keyword str prefix: The parent node name. """ if prefix: prefix += '.' for key, value in self.items(): value.parser_add(parser, prefix + key)
[docs] def parser_set(self, args): """Set config from an :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` object. Call this method with the return value from :py:meth:`~argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args`. :param argparse.Namespace args: The populated :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` object. """ for key, value in vars(args).items(): self[key] = value
def set_default(self, config={}, **kwds): default = {} default.update(config, **kwds) self.update(default) for key, value in self._value.items(): if isinstance(value, ConfigParent): value.set_default() else: self.default[key] = value def update(self, value): for key, value in value.items(): self[key] = value return self def copy(self): copy = self.__class__(config_map=self._config_map) for key, value in self._value.items(): copy._value[key] = value.copy() copy.default = self.default return copy
[docs] class ConfigMixin(object): """Add a config tree to a pyctools component. """ def __init__(self, **kwds): super(ConfigMixin, self).__init__(**kwds) self.config = ConfigParent() self._shadow_config = None self._configmixin_queue = collections.deque()
[docs] def get_config(self): """Get a copy of the component's current configuration. Using a copy allows the config to be updated in a threadsafe manner while the component is running. Use the :py:meth:`set_config` method to update the component's configuration after making changes to the copy. :return: Copy of component's configuration. :rtype: :py:class:`ConfigParent` """ # make copy to allow changes without affecting running component if self._shadow_config is None: self._shadow_config = self.config.copy() return self._shadow_config.copy()
[docs] def set_config(self, config={}, **kwds): """Update the component's configuration. Use the :py:meth:`get_config` method to get a copy of the component's configuration, update that copy then call :py:meth:`set_config` to update the component. This enables the configuration to be changed in a threadsafe manner while the component is running, and allows several values to be changed at once. :param ConfigParent config: New configuration. """ # get copy of current config if self._shadow_config is None: self._shadow_config = self.config.copy() # update it with new values self._shadow_config.update(config) self._shadow_config.update(kwds) # put modified copy on queue for running component self._configmixin_queue.append(self._shadow_config) # notify component, using thread safe method self.new_config()
[docs] def update_config(self): """Pull any changes made with :py:meth:`set_config`. Call this from within your component before using any config values to ensure you have the latest values set by the user. """ while self._configmixin_queue: self.config.update(self._configmixin_queue.popleft())