Source code for

#  Pyctools - a picture processing algorithm development kit.
#  Copyright (C) 2020  Pyctools contributors
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see
#  <>.

__all__ = ['VideoFileWriter2']

from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
import subprocess

import numpy

from pyctools.core.config import ConfigEnum, ConfigFloat, ConfigPath
from pyctools.core.frame import Frame, Metadata
from pyctools.core.base import Component
from pyctools.core.types import pt_float

[docs] class VideoFileWriter2(Component): """Write video files, including "raw" format. This component uses FFmpeg_ to write video to a variety of formats. Make sure you have installed FFmpeg before attempting to use :py:class:`VideoFileWriter2`. There are two configuration settings that control the saved file format. ``codec`` chooses a codec "family" such as ``'FFV1'`` and ``pix_fmt`` chooses the data layout before compression. The "container" format, such as ``AVI`` or ``MOV``, is inferred from the file name extension. Not all codecs will work with all pixel formats, and FFmpeg supports many more pixel formats (and codecs) that are available in :py:class:`VideoFileWriter2`. Let me know if you have any particular requirements that are not already included. The ``raw`` and ``ffv1`` codecs are lossless, but look out for unwanted RGB<->YUV conversion or UV resampling. ``H264`` always converts to YUV, ``H264rgb`` always converts to RGB. The ``input_Y_RGB`` input accepts images with 1 or 3 components as Y or RGB. The ``input_UV`` input accepts UV images with 2 components. The ``input`` config specifies the expected inputs. =========== === ==== Config =========== === ==== ``path`` str Path name of file to be written. ``input`` str The input video format. Can be ``'RGB'``, ``'YUV'``, or ``'Y'``. ``codec`` str Codec name. Possible values: {}. ``pix_fmt`` str Pixel format. Possible values: {}. ``fps`` int Video frame rate. Only affects how file is replayed. =========== === ==== .. _FFmpeg: .. _fourcc: """ with_outframe_pool = False inputs = ['input_Y_RGB', 'input_UV'] #: outputs = [] fourcc = { 'gray' : 'Y8', 'gray16le': 'Y16', 'rgb24' : 'BGR[24]', 'uyvy422' : 'UYVY', 'yuv422p' : 'YV16', } codecs = { 'raw' : ['-c:v', 'rawvideo', '-f', 'rawvideo'], 'FFV1' : ['-c:v', 'ffv1'], 'H264' : ['-c:v', 'libx264', '-qp', '0'], 'H264rgb': ['-c:v', 'libx264rgb', '-qp', '0'], } pix_fmts = ('rgb24', 'rgb48le', 'uyvy422', 'yuv422p', 'yuv422p10le', 'gray', 'gray16le') __doc__ = __doc__.format( ', '.join(["``'" + x + "'``"for x in codecs.keys()]), ', '.join(["``'" + x + "'``"for x in pix_fmts])) def initialise(self): self.config['path'] = ConfigPath(exists=False) self.config['input'] = ConfigEnum(choices=('RGB', 'YUV', 'Y')) self.config['codec'] = ConfigEnum(choices=(self.codecs.keys())) self.config['pix_fmt'] = ConfigEnum(choices=self.pix_fmts) self.config['fps'] = ConfigFloat(value=25, min_value=1, decimals=2) def on_start(self): # start generator to write data self.generator = self.file_writer() next(self.generator) def process_frame(self): Y_frame = self.input_buffer['input_Y_RGB'].get() UV_frame = self.input_buffer['input_UV'].peek() if UV_frame.frame_no >= 0: UV_frame = self.input_buffer['input_UV'].get() else: UV_frame = None # send frame(s) to generator self.generator.send((Y_frame, UV_frame)) @contextmanager def subprocess(self, *arg, **kw): sp = None try: sp = subprocess.Popen(*arg, **kw) yield sp finally: if sp: if sp.stdin: sp.stdin.flush() for pipe in sp.stdin, sp.stdout, sp.stderr: if pipe: pipe.close() sp.wait() if sp.returncode: self.logger.critical('FFmpeg return code %d', sp.returncode) def file_writer(self): self.update_config() path = self.config['path'] input_ = self.config['input'] codec = self.config['codec'] out_fmt = self.config['pix_fmt'] fps = self.config['fps'] # if no UV input expected, create a dummy "static" frame if input_ != 'YUV': self.input_UV(Frame()) # get first frame Y_frame, UV_frame = yield True Y_data = Y_frame.as_numpy() # check number of components ylen, xlen, comps = Y_data.shape if UV_frame: if comps != 1: self.logger.critical('Y input has %d components', comps) return UV_data = UV_frame.as_numpy() UV_ylen, UV_xlen, UV_comps = UV_data.shape if UV_comps != 2: self.logger.critical('UV input has %d components', UV_comps) return elif comps not in (1, 3): self.logger.critical('Y/RGB input has %d components', comps) return # choose format to send data to FFmpeg bit16 = True if UV_frame: ss_x = xlen // UV_xlen ss_y = ylen // UV_xlen if ss_x == 1 and ss_y == 1: if out_fmt in ('yuv444p', 'gray'): in_fmt = 'yuv444p' bit16 = False else: in_fmt = 'yuv444p16le' elif ss_x == 2 and ss_y == 1: if out_fmt in ('uyvy422', 'yuv422p', 'gray'): in_fmt = 'yuv422p' bit16 = False else: in_fmt = 'yuv422p16le' elif ss_x == 2 and ss_y == 2: if out_fmt in ('yuv420p', 'gray'): in_fmt = 'yuv420p' bit16 = False else: in_fmt = 'yuv420p16le' elif comps == 3: if out_fmt in ('rgb24', ): bit16 = False in_fmt = 'bgr24' else: in_fmt = 'bgr48le' else: if out_fmt in ('gray', ): bit16 = False in_fmt = 'gray' else: in_fmt = 'gray16le' if in_fmt != out_fmt: self.logger.warning( 'Converting "%s" to "%s" in FFmpeg', in_fmt, out_fmt) # save metadata metadata = Metadata().copy(Y_frame.metadata) if codec == 'raw': # store what's needed to read file if out_fmt not in self.fourcc: self.logger.critical('Cannot store "%s" in a raw file', out_fmt) return metadata.set('fourcc', self.fourcc[out_fmt]) metadata.set('xlen', str(xlen)) metadata.set('ylen', str(ylen)) else: metadata.set('fourcc', None) metadata.set('xlen', None) metadata.set('ylen', None) if UV_frame: metadata.merge_audit({'Y': Y_frame, 'UV': UV_frame}) in_name = 'multiplex(Y, UV)' else: in_name = 'data' metadata.set_audit( self, '{} = {}\n FFmpeg: {} -> {}\n'.format( os.path.basename(path), in_name, in_fmt, out_fmt), with_date=True, with_config=self.config) metadata.to_file(path) # save data cmd = ['ffmpeg', '-v', 'error', '-y', '-an', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-s', '{}x{}'.format(xlen, ylen), '-r', '{}'.format(fps), '-pix_fmt', in_fmt, '-i', '-'] cmd += self.codecs[codec] cmd += ['-r', '{}'.format(fps), '-pix_fmt', out_fmt, path] with self.subprocess(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) as sp: while True: if bit16: Y_data = Y_data.astype(pt_float) * pt_float(256.0) Y_data = Y_data.clip( pt_float(0), pt_float(2**16 - 1)).astype('<u2') else: Y_data = Y_frame.as_numpy(dtype=numpy.uint8) sp.stdin.write(Y_data.tobytes()) if in_fmt.startswith('yuv'): UV_data = UV_frame.as_numpy(dtype=pt_float) if UV_data.shape != (UV_ylen, UV_xlen, UV_comps): self.logger.critical('UV dimensions changed') return # add offset to make unsigned byte data UV_data = UV_data + pt_float(128.0) if bit16: UV_data = UV_data * pt_float(256.0) UV_data = UV_data.clip( pt_float(0), pt_float(2**16 - 1)).astype('<u2') else: UV_data = UV_data.clip( pt_float(0), pt_float(255)).astype(numpy.uint8) sp.stdin.write(UV_data[:,:,0].tobytes()) sp.stdin.write(UV_data[:,:,1].tobytes()) # get next frame Y_frame, UV_frame = yield True Y_data = Y_frame.as_numpy() if Y_data.shape != (ylen, xlen, comps): self.logger.critical('Y/RGB dimensions changed') return