Source code for pyctools.components.interp.filterdesign

#  Pyctools - a picture processing algorithm development kit.
#  Copyright (C) 2018-20  Pyctools contributors
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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__all__ = ['FilterDesign']
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from collections import OrderedDict
import math

import numpy
from scipy import interpolate

from pyctools.core.config import ConfigBool, ConfigEnum, ConfigFloat, ConfigInt, ConfigStr
from pyctools.core.base import Component
from pyctools.core.frame import Frame
from pyctools.core.types import pt_float, pt_complex

[docs] class FilterDesign(Component): """Generate a 1-D filter from an ideal response. The response is specified as a series of normalised frequency values (in the range 0.0 to 0.5), corresponding gain values, usually in the range 0.0 to 1.0, and (optionally) corresponding weight values. A filter is generated that minimises the weighted square of the deviation from this ideal response. The weight values are a measure of how much you care about the response at different frequencies. For example, you may want "flat" pass bands and stop bands, but not care too much about the transition band. The ``response`` output emits the ideal and actual filter responses. It can be connected to the :py:class:`` component. The ``interp`` option selects the function used to convert the series of response points to a continuous function, before calculating the filter coefficients. See :py:class:`scipy:scipy.interpolate.interp1d` for more detail. ============== ===== ==== Config ============== ===== ==== ``frequency`` str List of frequency values, in increasing order. ``gain`` str List of corresponding gain values. ``weight`` str List of corresponding weight values. Default is unity. ``aperture`` int The number of filter coefficients. ``interp`` str Interpolation function. Possible values: {} ``direction`` str Direction of filter. Possible values: horizontal, vertical. ============== ===== ==== """ inputs = [] outputs = ['filter', 'response'] #: with_outframe_pool = False interp_list = ('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic') __doc__ = __doc__.format(', '.join(["``'" + x + "'``" for x in interp_list])) def initialise(self): self.config['frequency'] = ConfigStr(value='0.0, 0.5') self.config['gain'] = ConfigStr(value='1.0, 0.0') self.config['weight'] = ConfigStr() self.config['aperture'] = ConfigInt(value=9, min_value=3) self.config['interp'] = ConfigEnum(choices=(self.interp_list)) self.config['direction'] = ConfigEnum(choices=('horizontal', 'vertical')) def on_start(self): # send first filter coefs self.make_filter() def on_set_config(self): # send more coefs if config changes self.make_filter() def make_filter(self): self.update_config() freq_vals = eval(self.config['frequency']) gain_vals = eval(self.config['gain']) if len(freq_vals) != len(gain_vals): self.logger.warning( 'frequency and gain lists are of different length') freq_vals = freq_vals[:len(gain_vals)] gain_vals = gain_vals[:len(freq_vals)] if self.config['weight']: wgt_vals = eval(self.config['weight']) if len(wgt_vals) != len(gain_vals): self.logger.warning( 'frequency and weight lists are of different length') wgt_vals = wgt_vals[:len(gain_vals)] gain_vals = gain_vals[:len(wgt_vals)] freq_vals = freq_vals[:len(gain_vals)] wgt_vals = numpy.array(wgt_vals, dtype=numpy.double) freq_vals = numpy.array(freq_vals, dtype=numpy.double) gain_vals = numpy.array(gain_vals, dtype=numpy.double) aperture = self.config['aperture'] # how much oversampling needed pad_len = 256 while pad_len < aperture * 4: pad_len *= 2 # interpolate ideal response int_freq = numpy.linspace(0.0, 0.5, pad_len + 1, dtype=numpy.double) interp_func = interpolate.interp1d( freq_vals, gain_vals, kind=self.config['interp'], bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') int_gain = interp_func(int_freq) # interpolate weight if self.config['weight']: interp_func = interpolate.interp1d( freq_vals, wgt_vals, kind=self.config['interp'], bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') int_wgt = interp_func(int_freq) else: int_wgt = numpy.ones((pad_len + 1,), dtype=numpy.double) # 'DC' and 'half fs' gain are always important int_wgt_copy = int_wgt.copy() int_wgt[0] = numpy.amax(int_wgt) * pad_len int_wgt[pad_len] = int_wgt[0] # compute response matrices W2 = numpy.empty((pad_len * 2,), dtype=numpy.double) W2[:pad_len + 1] = int_wgt W2[pad_len + 1:] = int_wgt[pad_len - 1:0:-1] W2 = W2 ** 2 W2R = numpy.empty((pad_len * 2,), dtype=numpy.double) W2R[:pad_len + 1] = int_gain W2R[pad_len + 1:] = int_gain[pad_len - 1:0:-1] W2R *= W2 W2 = numpy.fft.ifft(W2) W2R = numpy.fft.ifft(W2R) # compute matrices to solve MtM = numpy.empty((aperture, aperture), dtype=numpy.double) MtR = numpy.empty((aperture,), dtype=numpy.double) offset = aperture // 2 for j in range(aperture): MtR[j] = numpy.real(W2R[j - offset]) for i in range(aperture): MtM[j, i] = numpy.real(W2[i - j]) # solve using Cholesky decomposition L = numpy.linalg.cholesky(MtM) coefs = numpy.linalg.solve(numpy.transpose(L.conjugate()), numpy.linalg.solve(L, MtR)).astype(pt_float) # send filter output fil_frame = Frame() if self.config['direction'] == 'horizontal': = coefs.reshape((1, -1, 1)) else: = coefs.reshape((-1, 1, 1)) fil_frame.type = 'fil' fil_frame.set_audit(self, 'data = OptimumFilterCoefficients()\n', with_config=self.config) self.send('filter', fil_frame) # compute actual response padded = numpy.zeros(pad_len * 2, dtype=numpy.double) for j in range(aperture): padded[j - offset] = coefs[j] response = numpy.fft.rfft(padded) # send response output resp_frame = Frame() resp_frame.type = 'resp' if self.config['weight']: = numpy.stack( (int_freq.astype(pt_float), int_gain.astype(pt_float), int_wgt_copy.astype(pt_float), numpy.real(response).astype(pt_float))) labels = ('normalised frequency', 'ideal gain', 'weight', 'actual gain') else: = numpy.stack( (int_freq.astype(pt_float), int_gain.astype(pt_float), numpy.real(response).astype(pt_float))) labels = 'normalised frequency', 'ideal gain', 'actual gain' resp_frame.metadata.set('labels', repr(labels)) resp_frame.set_audit(self, 'data = OptimumFilterResponse()\n', with_config=self.config) self.send('response', resp_frame)