#!/usr/bin/env python
# Pyctools - a picture processing algorithm development kit.
# http://github.com/jim-easterbrook/pyctools
# Copyright (C) 2014-20 Pyctools contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
__all__ = ['Tile', 'UnTile']
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
import numpy
from pyctools.core.base import Transformer
from pyctools.core.config import ConfigInt
class Tile(Transformer):
"""Arrange image in overlapping tiles.
This can be used with the
:py:class:`~pyctools.components.fft.fft.FFT` component if you need
FFTs of overlapping tiles, so you can reconstruct an image later on
without visible tile edges.
The ``xoff`` and ``yoff`` configuration sets the distance from the
edge of one tile to the same edge on the next. For complete overlap
they are usually set to half the tile width & height.
These parameters are added to the output frame's metadata for use by
========= === ====
========= === ====
``xtile`` int Horizontal tile size.
``ytile`` int Vertical tile size.
``xoff`` int Horizontal tile offset. Typically set to xtile // 2.
``yoff`` int Vertical tile offset. Typically set to ytile // 2.
========= === ====
def initialise(self):
self.config['xtile'] = ConfigInt(min_value=1)
self.config['ytile'] = ConfigInt(min_value=1)
self.config['xoff'] = ConfigInt(min_value=1)
self.config['yoff'] = ConfigInt(min_value=1)
def transform(self, in_frame, out_frame):
x_tile = self.config['xtile']
y_tile = self.config['ytile']
x_off = self.config['xoff']
y_off = self.config['yoff']
audit = out_frame.metadata.get('audit')
audit += 'data = Tile(data)\n'
audit += ' size: %d x %d, offset: %d x %d\n' % (
y_tile, x_tile, y_off, x_off)
out_frame.metadata.set('audit', audit)
in_data = in_frame.as_numpy()
y_len, x_len = in_data.shape[:2]
tile_params = eval(out_frame.metadata.get('tile', '[]'))
tile_params.append((y_tile, x_tile, y_off, x_off, y_len, x_len))
out_frame.metadata.set('tile', repr(tile_params))
if x_tile in (1, x_off):
# no overlap, so nothing to do
x_tile = x_len
x_off = x_tile
if y_tile in (1, y_off):
# no overlap, so nothing to do
y_tile = y_len
y_off = y_tile
x_mgn = (x_tile - 1) // x_off
y_mgn = (y_tile - 1) // y_off
x_blk = (x_len + x_off - 1) // x_off
y_blk = (y_len + y_off - 1) // y_off
pad_width = ((y_mgn * y_off, y_tile + ((y_blk - 1) * y_off) - y_len),
(x_mgn * x_off, x_tile + ((x_blk - 1) * x_off) - x_len),
(0, 0))
x_blk += x_mgn
y_blk += y_mgn
if numpy.any(pad_width):
in_data = numpy.pad(in_data, pad_width)
out_data = numpy.empty(
[y_blk, y_tile, x_blk, x_tile] + list(in_data.shape[2:]),
y = 0
for j in range(y_blk):
x = 0
for i in range(x_blk):
out_data[j, ::, i, ::] = in_data[y:y+y_tile, x:x+x_tile]
x += x_off
y += y_off
out_frame.data = out_data.reshape((y_blk * y_tile, x_blk * x_tile, -1))
return True
class UnTile(Transformer):
"""Rearrange overlapping tiles to form an image.
Inverse operation of the :py:class:`Tile` component. The tile size
and offset parameters are read from the input image's metadata.
def transform(self, in_frame, out_frame):
in_data = in_frame.as_numpy()
tile_params = eval(out_frame.metadata.get('tile', '[]'))
if not tile_params:
self.logger.error('Input has no "tile" metadata')
return False
y_tile, x_tile, y_off, x_off, y_len, x_len = tile_params.pop()
out_frame.metadata.set('tile', repr(tile_params))
audit = out_frame.metadata.get('audit')
audit += 'data = UnTile(data)\n'
audit += ' size: %d x %d, offset: %d x %d\n' % (
y_tile, x_tile, y_off, x_off)
out_frame.metadata.set('audit', audit)
if x_tile in (1, x_off):
# no overlap, so nothing to do
x_tile = x_len
x_off = x_tile
if y_tile in (1, y_off):
# no overlap, so nothing to do
y_tile = y_len
y_off = y_tile
x_mgn = (x_tile - 1) // x_off
y_mgn = (y_tile - 1) // y_off
x_blk = in_data.shape[1] // x_tile
y_blk = in_data.shape[0] // y_tile
out_data = numpy.zeros([y_tile + ((y_blk - 1) * y_off),
x_tile + ((x_blk - 1) * x_off)]
+ list(in_data.shape[2:]), dtype=in_data.dtype)
in_data = in_data.reshape((y_blk, y_tile, x_blk, x_tile, -1))
y = 0
for j in range(y_blk):
x = 0
for i in range(x_blk):
out_data[y:y+y_tile, x:x+x_tile] += in_data[j, ::, i, ::]
x += x_off
y += y_off
x = x_mgn * x_off
y = y_mgn * y_off
out_frame.data = out_data[y:y+y_len, x:x+x_len, ::].copy()
return True